Khamis, Julai 31, 2008

studi, studi, studi...

Kehidupan ini sentiasa tidak terlepas dari menuntut ilmu sama ada secara formal atau tidak...

Yesterday i just received a geat news!!! I got fully exemption for MAICSA!!! Maicsa tu Malaysia Institute of Corporate Secretaryship and Administrators, satu badan yang mengelolakan bidang setiausaha syarikat. Kerja setiausaha ni bukan setiausaha biasa tapi kerjanya berkait dengan company legal, rules and regulation, more on corporate matters. Kalau dalam sesebuah syarikat tu standard seorang setiausaha syarikat sama macam Board of Director (BOD) dan dia akan jadi penasihat utk BOD, tough jugak kan kerja nya tapi kerja yang mencabar la, best!!!

Bila dah dapat fully exemption kirakan aku ni setaraf dengan final student ICSA, he,he,he...insyaAllah by next week i'll send out the registration form and the payment, tau brape, dekat 3000,hu,hu...

Next step??? kerja la...kerja apa? might be nak yang berkaitan dengan bidang ni...tapi...semua job tu kat KL, hu,hu,hu...i don't mind leaving my home and family but do my parents give permission??? dunno...i don't mind because i'm used to live with my friend when i was at USIM and i think i can count how many times that i went back home. It's not that i like to live freely without parents looking around but it's just my attitude to be independent, to face the all the obstacles myself, just love to learn from experience (degil jugak minah ni,he,he,he)

In whatever field that i'll be in, i wish that i can always give the best and i hope Allah would give His blessing for wahtever i wish for and not only that...of course, hoping mama and abah would let her girl find her own self...amin...

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